July 27, 2024


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Nigeria: How Long Will You Judge Unjustly and Accept The Person of the Wicked?

Nigeria: How Long Will You Judge Unjustly and Accept the Person of the Wicked?

“How long will ye judge unjustly, and accept the persons of the wicked? Selah.
Psalm 82:2

In this article: Nigeria: How Long Will You Judge Unjustly and Accept the Person of the Wicked?

The issue of injustice and corruption is a deeply troubling one, and it is having a devastating impact on the people of Nigeria.

Nigeria: How Long Will You Judge Unjustly

The issue of injustice and corruption is a deeply troubling one, and it is having a devastating impact on the people of Nigeria.

The Bible speaks to this issue in the book of Psalms, warning that God’s wrath will be upon any nation or people who engage in such behavior.

Today, Nigeria is a country that is both rich in natural resources and in human potential, yet it is also plagued by widespread poverty and inequality. This is a direct result of the injustice and corruption that have become entrenched in the country’s institutions and culture.

The Bible’s warning in Psalm 82 rings true in the case of Nigeria.
“Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy.
Deliver the poor and needy: rid them out of the hand of the wicked.
They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth are out of course.
Psalm 82:3-5

Nigeria: How Long Will You Judge Unjustly

The current situation in Nigeria is one where the weak and needy are indeed in need of rescue. The verse continues, “Arise, O God, judge the earth; for you shall inherit all the nations!

This is a reminder that God’s justice and righteousness are the ultimate standards by which nations will be judged.

The verse “How long will you judge unjustly and show partiality to the wicked?” is a powerful indictment of any nation or people who fail to uphold justice and fairness for all.

This verse highlights the need for impartiality and equity, rather than allowing the powerful and wealthy to exploit the weak and vulnerable.

It reminds us that a nation’s wealth and prosperity will be short-lived if it is built on a foundation of injustice and inequality.

The main point we’re making here is that Tinubu’s election and subsequent affirmation by the Judiciary despite numerous accusations of corruption and malpractice, sets a dangerous precedent that could have far-reaching consequences for Nigeria.

It sends a message that the rule of law and the principles of justice can be disregarded if it suits the interests of the powerful.

It also calls into question the independence and integrity of the judiciary, as well as the country’s standing in the eyes of the international community.

And most importantly, it raises the question of God’s judgment on a nation that allows such injustice to go unchecked.

The consequences of affirming Tinubu’s election despite the many allegations against him are both tangible and intangible.

On a practical level, it could lead to further economic instability and decline, as investors and businesses lose faith in the country’s political and legal system.

On a more spiritual level, it could be seen as a rejection of God’s standards of justice and righteousness, which could have a negative impact on the nation’s spiritual and moral health.

The Old Testament is full of such examples, from the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah to the exile of the Israelites from the Promised Land.

In every case, the root cause of God’s anger was the nation’s or people’s failure to uphold justice and righteousness.

Nigeria: How Long Will You Judge Unjustly

For example, the prophet Amos warned that God would bring judgment on the nation of Israel for oppressing the poor and needy, and for perverting justice (Amos 2:6-7).

In this light, we can draw a parallel to the current situation in Nigeria, where the nation is facing the consequences of a political and economic system that benefits the few at the expense of the many.

Just as the prophets of old warned of God’s impending judgment on the Israelites, so too are there warnings today about the consequences of the nation’s actions. The question remains: Will the nation heed these warnings and turn away from injustice, or will it continue down a path of destruction?

In all of these I think there are a few things that Nigerians can do to work towards a more just and equitable society.

First, it’s important to speak out against injustice and to hold those in power accountable for their actions.

Second, it’s vital to advocate for reforms that will address the root causes of injustice, such as corruption, inequality, and a lack of transparency.

Finally, it’s crucial to build up the nation’s civil society and to create a culture of respect for human rights and the rule of law.

These are just a few examples of actions that could help Nigeria move towards a better future.

let’s also take a closer look at what individual citizens can do to make a difference. On a personal level, it’s important to resist the temptation to engage in corruption or unethical behavior, and to stand up for those who are being oppressed or exploited.

It’s also important to educate oneself about the issues facing the nation, and to use one’s voice and influence to advocate for change.

Additionally, it’s crucial to support and strengthen civil society organizations that are working to promote justice and human rights.

The story of Nineveh in the book of Jonah is a great example of a nation that repented and experienced God’s mercy.

In the story, the prophet Jonah was sent to Nineveh to warn the people of their impending destruction, and the king and people of Nineveh responded by fasting and turning away from their evil ways.

As a result, God relented from the judgment He had planned, and Nineveh was spared.

This story demonstrates the power of repentance and the importance of turning away from sin.

Another good example is the story of South Korea. After the end of Japanese colonial rule in 1945, South Korea was a poor, war-torn country with a weak economy and unstable political system.

However, beginning in the 1960s, South Korea began a process of reform and economic development that transformed the nation into a prosperous, democratic society.

Key to this transformation was the country’s commitment to upholding justice and the rule of law. As a result, South Korea has experienced rapid economic growth and become a major player on the world stage.

The history of the United States also provides an interesting case study. President Abraham Lincoln’s leadership during the American Civil War was crucial in upholding the values of justice and equality.

His legacy, captured in the phrase “In God we trust”, has had a profound impact on the nation’s identity.

Similarly, the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s was also rooted in a commitment to justice and equality, and had a lasting impact on the nation’s laws and culture.

The US-Israel relationship is a powerful example of how the values of justice and equality can have far-reaching consequences.

Nigeria: How Long Will You Judge Unjustly

The US has been a steadfast ally of Israel since the country’s founding in 1948, and this support has been driven by a shared commitment to democracy and human rights.

Some even argue that the US has experienced “blessings” as a result of this relationship, including economic prosperity and geopolitical influence.

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”
2 Chronicles 7:14 This verse speaks to the importance of national repentance and humility before God.
Nigerians need to take a stand against corruption and injustice, and instead promote and celebrate positive values and ethical leadership.

Individual transformation must be accompanied by collective action in order to bring about lasting change in the country.

It’s important to emphasize the need for the political leaders to be held accountable for their actions. They must be willing to stand up for what is right, even when it is difficult or unpopular.

And the people must be willing to hold them to this standard, even if it means engaging in peaceful, but firm, protest and activism. In the end, it is only through the tireless pursuit of justice and righteousness that a true and lasting revolution can take place.

It’s truly a devastating and heart-breaking situation. A country that has so much potential, but is held back by a system that allows a small group of people to plunder its resources and oppress its people.

Nigeria’s situation is dire, but not hopeless. To fix the problems facing the country, we must first recognize the full scope of the challenge.

This includes understanding the systemic nature of the corruption, as well as the ways in which it has infected not only the political class, but also the civil service, business sector, and even ordinary citizens.

Only by fully understanding the problem can we begin to create a new system that is inoculated against corruption and built on the foundations of justice and fairness.

Nigeria’s future lies in the hands of its people. If the country is to move forward and experience the blessings of justice, equality, and prosperity, each person must take a stand against corruption and injustice.

This requires a commitment to personal integrity and a willingness to work together for the common good.

Only when this happens can Nigeria truly experience the transformation that is so desperately needed.

May God help Nigeria find the path of righteousness, peace and prosperity.

Rev. Innocent Chukwudi Peace-Udochukwu is the Executive Director NIGERIA 2.0 FREEDOM NOW! And writes from Abuja.