July 27, 2024


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Rev. Innocent Chukwudi Peace Udochukwu
President Living Fountain Ministries Int’l LIFOM

“Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.”
Isaiah 41:10

God has gone to the ends of the earth to make sure that you will always know that, no matter what, He has got you covered. He will keep you at rest, He will strengthen you, and He will see you through the tough times. In everything you do, every trial that you face, and in every challenge, that comes your way, you should know that you have no reason to fret or worry. God is with you.

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10

Fear is universal. All of us deal with things that scare us.
God is aware of our tendency to fear. And He cares about every fear we face. In the Bible we find commands and encouragements to not feel fear, take courage, fear not, and more – over 300 times. God doesn’t want us to be consumed by fear. And yet, our fears do not surprise him in the least.

We need to realize God is not disappointed in us when we have fears. No more than you are disappointed when one of your children is afraid.

The scope of these verses is to silence the fears, and encourage the faith, of the servants of God in their distresses. Perhaps it is intended, in the first place, for the support of God’s Israel, in captivity; but all that faithfully serve God through patience and comfort of this scripture may have hope.

“Fear not,” says God. “Be not dismayed.” God speaks this promise to folks in trouble. This is not a word to sun-bathers, without a care in the world, stretched out on the deck of a Carnival Cruise ship. This is not a word to the guy in waders, up to his knees in a babbling brook, fishing for trout. This is not a word to the guy lounging in his hammock on the back deck, while the birds sing, and the breeze rocks him to sleep. This is a word to people in trouble, to people who are petrified and paralyzed by the problems of their present and the prospects of their future. This is a word to the overwhelmed. God calls them the dismayed—a Hebrew word that means “to dart glances this way and that.” You get the picture: nervous, anxious, on the lookout for the trouble that could come from anywhere. To people like this God says, “Fear not … be not dismayed.”
And this is no patronizing pat on the head either, no pep talk to get folks to calm down and chill out. There is substance to these words. These words have deep roots and an unshakable foundation. Those roots and that foundation is God. “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God.

He is the God who pardons our iniquity.

He is the God whose word will stand forever.

He is the God who comes with might and whose arm rules for Him.

He is the God who tends His flock like a shepherd and carries them close to His heart.

He is the God who holds oceans in his hand and weighs mountains on the scale.

He is the God to whom nations are but a drop in the bucket.

He is the God who tramples kings underfoot.

He is the everlasting God.

He is the God whose understanding is unsearchable.

He is the God who gives power to the faint and increases the strength of the weak.

He is the God of whom coastlands are afraid and the ends of the earth tremble.

He is the God who calls out His people from exile and will never cast them off.

Fear often disorients. So get your orientation right. Get your point of view right. Get your starting place to face your fears right. And that starting place is God. If you try to look at God through your fears, He is a bit obscured by your line of sight. But if you will look at your fears through God, God gets clearer, your fears get smaller, and you will be able to “fear not … and be not dismayed.” In your fears, God.

We don’t know the end, but we know our God. He is good, and He will uphold us and see us through to the best result, whatever it may be.

Sometimes we go through situations where fear and discouragement want to dominate our lives. Moments in life where we feel we can no longer go on, in the middle of everything we say, this situation is too heavy! At times the spiritual warfare we are facing is so intense we feel it is too heavy to bear alone. The enemy comes with all his arsenal and tries to bring us down to the point of being dismayed. It is at these stages in our lives where we must remember the words of the Lord that was given to Moses, “When you go out to war against your enemies, and see horses and chariots, and a people more than you, be not afraid of them for the Lord your God is with you, which brought you out of the land of Egypt “(Deuteronomy 31:6).

It is important to remember that in the midst of the battle God is with us, His right hand will give us victory! The victorious God will come to our aid and bring down our enemies. We can trust that God will not lose one single battle, he always gives us the grace and power to overcome if we trust in Him. His strength and help will come at the time when we most need it. We just have to be strong and realize that God does not abandon us. In Deuteronomy 31:6 He commands us saying, “Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them, for the LORD your God is He who goes with you will not fail you or forsake you.”

I encourage you this morning to not give up, remember that there is a God in heaven who is in our favor! We just have to be sure and confident that He fights our battles and will give us the victory. He only asks that today we be strong and courageous for battle. Psalm 89:13 assures us, “You have a mighty arm; Strong is Your hand, and high is Your right hand.” His hand is strong to give us victory today. No matter what opposition we face, the right hand of God is able!

Dear God, I thank you that I can trust in you completely, never having to worry or fret when troubling times come my way. I thank you, Lord, that I can rely on your faithfulness. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.



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