April 27, 2024


Latest , updated , trending and juicy news bulletins on the go.




Rev. Innocent Peace-Udochukwu
President Living Fountain Ministries Int’l LIFOM.

“And I will restore to you the years that the locust has eaten.” Joel 2:25.

Have you ever had something stolen? Some of you can say that was a prize possession to you, a family heirloom, your anointing, your joy, your peace, your praise, and even your money. I came to tell you that the enemy has to let it go and give it back to you. I came to tell you that whatever that the enemy has taken whether physically, emotionally, financially, mentally, and spiritual, God will restore unto you. Restore is defined as 1) bring back (a previous right, practice, custom, or situation); reinstate. 2) Return (someone or something) to a former condition, place, or position. 3) Repair or renovate (a building, work of art, vehicle, and etc.) so as to return it to its original condition.

“And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you.”
Joel 2:25

LOST years can never be restored literally. Time once past is gone forever. Let no man make any mistake about this or trifle with the present moment under any notion that the flying hour will ever wing its way back to him. As well call back the north wind or fill again the emptied rain cloud, or put back into their quiver the arrows of the lord of day. As well bid the river which has hastened onward to the sea bring back its rolling floods, as imagine that the years that have once gone can ever be restored to us. It will strike you at once that the locusts did not eat the years—the locusts ate the fruits of the years’ labor—the harvests of the fields.

So the meaning of the restoration of the years must be the restoration of those fruits and of those harvests which the locusts consumed. You cannot have back your time. But there is a strange and wonderful way in which God can give back to you the wasted blessings, the unripened fruits of years over which you mourned. The fruits of wasted years may yet be yours. It is a pity that they should have been eaten by your folly and negligence. But if they have been so, be not hopeless concerning them. “All things are possible to him that believes.” There is a power which is beyond all things and can work great marvels.

Who can make the all-devouring locust restore his prey? No man, by wisdom or power, can recover what has been utterly destroyed. God alone can do for you what seems impossible. And here is the promise of His Grace—”I will restore to you the years that the locust has eaten.” By giving to His repentant people larger harvests than the land could naturally yield, God could give back to them, as it were, all they would have had if the locusts had never come. And God can restore your life which has up to now been blighted and eaten up with the locust and sin, by giving you Divine Grace in the present and in the future. He can yet make it complete and blessed and useful to His praise and glory. It is a great wonder—but Jehovah is a God of wonders and in the kingdom of His Grace miracles are common things.

The conclusion of this section of Joel summarizes God’s intention for the restoration: “And my people shall never again be put to shame. You shall know that I am in the midst of Israel, and that I am the LORD your God and there is none else. And my people shall never again be put to shame” (Joel 2:26-27). God must deal with sin, but when His people repent, they find abundant blessing that more than compensates for what was lost in the judgment. His grace abounds.

Just lately, as some of you know, the locusts have been busy in our lives. Satan, doing what he enjoys most – trying to destroy the peace and security of God’s people.

The prophet himself is something of a mystery – his work like many other prophets is a mixture of judgement and promise. We know him because he is quoted by Peter and because it was Joel who prophesied the sending of the Spirit. It is clear that any interpretation of his words must take into account that same Holy Spirit’s work.

God takes great pleasure in RESTORING. He delights to take that which is spoiled and make it again. To take the broken, stained, spoiled and devastated – and transform them into a new creation that pleases Him and honours Him.

The heart of the gospel then is in these words –

“I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten.

Are there areas in your life like those we have described?
Only my Lord Jesus is able by the work of the Holy Spirit to do this.
He will restore the years that the locusts have eaten.




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