April 27, 2024


Latest , updated , trending and juicy news bulletins on the go.




Rev. Innocent Peace-Udochukwu
President Living Fountain Ministries Int’l LIFOM

“But David encouraged himself in the LORD his God.”
1Samuel 30:6b

If you are looking for God to move… If you’re looking for a miracle in your life… you probably don’t need to look for one in a place of serenity and peace, but rather in a place where things are unstable even chaos.

We all need encouragement from time to time. All of us at sometime or other face a crisis when everything seems to fall apart. There are times of discouragement, when things go wrong even when we are trying to do right. At such times, people may even say, “That’s what you get for trying to do right.” There are times of uncertainty, when we  don’t know how things are going to turn out. There are times of stress, when our load seems heavier than we can bear. The task is more than we can handle. There can also be times of fear when our very sense of security is threatened. In all of those kinds of situations we need to be encouraged in the Lord.

“The life of David is one of the most spectacular adventure stories ever recorded in the annals of history.”

“David ascended from the care of his father’s flock to the rulership of the flock of almighty God – Israel and Judah.”

David was greatly distressed… But David encouraged himself in the Lord his God. It was his darkest hour. At Ziklag he turned his face to the Lord and got the victory.

“And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake  of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the LORD his God.”
1Samuel 30:6

David and his men had just returned home, to Ziklag.  They had been anxious to return home to their families.

They had been away for three days and had left their home town undefended.

But, while they had been away the Amalekites had made a raid and looted it.

David’s army found their town lay in ruins.  Their homes had been destroyed, and their wives and children were all gone.

Ziklag became for them a place of great loss and distress.

Maybe you have faced your Ziklags?

Times of trial, testing and trouble?

What will you do?

It was David’s darkest hour…

An hour, of… great loss and failure; of…

Everything was gone.  It was just a pile of smouldering ashes.

While they had been out battling the invader had come and had burnt down their homes, and taken their families away from them…

All around him was a scene of devastation and destruction…

David was troubled on every side.

And it was going to get worse.

To make matters worse, his own army was turning against him now…
The men were blaming David for this disaster.
David’s own wife and children had been taken prisoner.

He felt alone.

We read,

David was greatly distressed…


David’s darkest hour…

Maybe you’ve been there too, in those darkest of times.

“David was aware that promotion comes neither from the east or the west, or from the north or the south. It’s God that takes down one, and puts up another.”

“Those who take things into their own hands soon find out how weak their hands really are.”

“David had to be discouraged. He had to be sick at heart. David had to be depressed but these are feelings that are common in our day.”

“There are very few people who are genuinely happy in the world today.”

“Men today respond in many different ways when they’re faced with trouble. Some people resign themselves to trouble…Some people blame other people for their distress.”

“When everything is going wrong, when everything is too hard to handle, too much to deal with, don’t just sit there in your predicament. Have a talk with Jesus!”

“Each of us has a battle with ourselves.”

“How many of you know that you would not have made it this far without the goodness of the Lord? How many of you know that you would not be here if God had not taken care of you?”

“Our God is a God of power. Our God is a God of might.”

“David reminded himself, ‘My God is a mighty God, and if He is a mighty God, there’s nothing He cannot do, nothing that He cannot overcome, nothing that he cannot deal with.’”

“You need to remind yourself that your God is not a weak God, your God is a mighty God. Taught the wind to blow. Taught the birds to fly. Come on, say, ‘Our God is a mighty God!’”

“As long as God has something for me to do, I can’t die until I get it done…As long as God has a purpose for my life, I’m going to live on.”

“Child of God, when you’re feeling low, just remember that God is in your life. He’s a mighty God. He’s a wise God. He’s a loving God. He cares about you.”

“The Bible says that David encouraged himself in the Lord…He had lost everything. He had lost his wives. He had lost the loyalty and support of his men. But when folk let you down, you can still turn to God.”

“The Lord will not let you down. He’ll be with you through thick and through thin.”

“You might have lost your relationship with God. You might have lost your fellowship with God. But God did not leave you.”

“There are things that we as believers ought to make up our minds that we don’t want to lose.”

“If you’ve lost anything, there’s a determination on God’s heart to restore that unto you. Halleluiah!”

“Don’t let good things slip away.”

“Spiritual health and vitality can be lost if it’s not nourished by prayer.”

“We can lose our fervor and become lukewarm if we don’t stay in love and in contact with Almighty God.”

Child of God, you may have said, ‘It’s useless. It’s hopeless. I’m too old. It’s too late.’ But you’ve got to make up your mind that it’s never too late as long as God is involved.”

“There’s not a devil in Hell that can run fast enough to outrun God.”

“Overtake; walk in, in the name of Jesus!”

“Pursue! Overtake! You shall recover all!”

“Whatever it is, God can turn it around! It’s turn-around time!”

“God is going to give you more than you ever had before! ‘God is going to give you double for your trouble!’”




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