April 25, 2024


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COMPILED/EDITED BY:- Rev. Innocent Peace-Udochukwu
President Living Fountain Ministries Int’l LIFOM.

“For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.”

love to hail my Daddy as the Unchangeable Changer for many reasons. He is unchangeable because He is not subject to variation or alteration (James 1:17). The Almighty God is an infinitely perfect and self-existent Being. He is exalted far above the possibility of change because He is independent and not limited by all the factors that cause change. As a self-existing being, God cannot be changed by forces outside Himself. He is also not subject to change from within His person because He is perfect in nature. He cannot be subject to any form of change at all because He is eternal and independent of time (1 Timothy 6:16). The unchanging nature of God is established throughout the Bible (Numbers 23:19, 1 Samuel 15:29, Isaiah 46:9-11, Ezekiel 24:14). Here is His declaration about Himself in Malachi 3:6:

“For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.”

The moral consistency of our God guarantees His commitment to unchanging principles.

“…and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning”.

Many folk read the word of God, and if believers were honest, read the Bible and try to read it as much as they can – but they conclude the word of God to be in the past. What I mean by that is that it’s a historical, chronological record of things that happened in a bygone age, thousands of years ago – it’s historical. But the time distance, as they read of cultures and practises of old, that time difference seems to make a distance of another kind – a reality distance. We tend, whether consciously or subconsciously, to relegate the word of God to the past. There’s a time distance so, we conclude, a reality distance. ‘That was what God said then, that was the way God was then, that is the way He behaved to those particular people’ – but we ask ourselves, at times, as we read Numbers and Exodus and various other books of the word of God: ‘What is the relevance of these pages to my life? How does it relate to me in my personal experience, working 9 to 5, five, six days a week? How does this book speak to me?’.

Because of this failure to bridge this reality gap through the distance of time, many folk resign themselves to following afar-off. They look at these pages and ‘That’s the Bible’ – they make a separation between the spiritual and the secular in their life. Their job is the secular; the church, and the word of God, and the Bible Class, and the prayer meeting is the spiritual – but those two entities seem never to collide or even to assimilate together, but that is where we have to get. We have to get to the position where God is all our life, where God Himself saturates all our being, all our existence until there is no separation, there is no demarcation between the secular and the spiritual, and we begin to find out that the word of God has an awesome relevance within our life.

It is the journey of moving from knowing God’s word, to knowing the God of the word. The reason why this God – Abraham’s God, Jacob’s God, Moses’ God, Daniel’s God, all the great prophets – minor and major – all the patriarchs of the word of God, the Apostles, the Lord Jesus Christ, all the church fathers – the reason why this God can be known is that He never changes. He is immutable, the unchanging God, He is always the same – and yes, there are cultural differences that we have to account for in the word of God, historical differences and features that these pages bring to us that we cannot bridge. We cannot go back in time to those days, we are in a modern, contemporary world

  • but the Bible was written, not to show us how these people lived, but to reveal to us the God they knew, for them that know their God shall do exploits.

How does a society get to the point where people no longer have a clear compass about right and wrong? V28 gives the answer: “They did not like to retain God in their knowledge.” Now, please understand this: Lost people are supposed to act like lost people. The real problem in our society today is that saved people have acted like lost people. When you entertain yourself with the devil’s filth, you get, as v27 says, “the recompense of your error.” In other words, you reap what you sow.

God is not only faithful; He is worthy of our trust. We don’t just put our empty faith in God and then come to Him and rub the genie on the bottle and say, “God answer my demands.” Instead, we come to the Lord who is faithful, just, holy and good, with a heart of trust, leaning not on our understanding, and request that he make straight our crooked paths. We request that he will as the Psalmists talks about help us to walk uprightly- that is rightly before His face. And that’s why Proverbs 3:5-7 is so significant. We are not to just trust anything or anyone we are to trust the Lord with all of our heart. As Christians, we believe we are commanded to love the Lord our God with all of our heart, mind, and strength. And Proverbs 3:5 tell us to trust in the Lord with all of your heart. The only way we can trust in the unchanging character of God during changing times is through the new birth where the Lord takes our heart of stone and sovereignly replaces it with a new heart, with new desires, and new affections.

“God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind.”

I encourage you today, as the Lord’s redeemed, to enthusiastically “proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvellous light” (1 Peter 2:9). Let the world hear you celebrate the unchangeable character of our God!



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