July 27, 2024


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Unprecedented Joy,  will Envelope Nigeria if TInubu is removed -POMAG

The Peter Obi Mandate Group (POMAG) has joined millions of Nigerians who have been condemning the threat of anarchy handed down to the Presidential Election Petition Tribunal by Tinubu’s lawyers to also condemn the unguarded statement.

In a statement made available to RPTVBLOG and signed by the group’s National Coordinator Rev Innocent Chukwudi Peace-Udochukwu the group called on the Presidential Election Petition Tribunal to make sure that they interpret the law properly and pronounce the judgement that will bring peace to Nigeria,
reminding them that the 25% mandatory win in the Federal Capital territory FCT before anyone can be declared president must be strictly followed. 

The group stated that the judges would have followed what the constitution of Nigeria said and which also was strongly supported by the newly signed electoral law. “This is what will ensure peace in Nigeria”,

Continuing, the vociferous group also stated that “NIGERIANS will rejoice Like never before and NIGERIA will be more peaceful if justice is served and Tinubu is disqualified and removed by the presidential election petition court.”
“We make bold to say that instead of anarchy when Tinubu is removed according to the threat his lawyers sent to the court, an unprecedented joy and happiness will envelope the entire nation that no one will have time for anarchy.” The group said.

Below is the full press statement:


We are constrained to address you today over recent happenings in the country.

We wish to commend all Obidients for their patience and endurance in the face of the prevailing situation in the country occasioned by the fraudulent 25th February Presidential election coupled with the maladministration of the government of the day imposed on NIGERIANS by Mahmood Yakubu led INEC.
We urge you to remain patient and hopeful and not despair, do not give up on our passion and dream of birthing a NEW NIGERIA because no matter what the enemies of our country have done and are still doing, a NEW NIGERIA under His Excellency Mr Peter Obi is still very much possible as we trust in the ability of the tribunal to do the needful.

Today we are here to voice our concern some burning National issues taking place in our own dear country:

1. We condemn in the strongest terms the highly sensational comments made by President Tinubu over the ongoing tribunal’s proceedings. We consider these as an intimidation on the judiciary to subvert the wheel of justice in favour of the APC. We call on Nigerians and the international community to take the threat of anarchy by President Tinubu through his lawyers very seriously, as it undermines the peace and safety of our fragile country, which should be paramount on the minds of everyone of us at this critical time.
Tinubu’s unguarded and dangerous statement did not just threaten the judiciary but every NIGERIAN both home and abroad.

The petitions before the tribunal are of great public interest and will no doubt impact our nation’s jurisprudence and constitutionalism as all eyes are currently on the Nigerian judiciary.

Therefore, in as much as we have confidence in the ability of the presidential election petition court to do justice to all the petitions before it without fear, favor or intimidation, we are calling on them to make sure that they interpret the law properly and pronounce the judgement that will bring peace to Nigeria,
reminding them that the 25% mandatory win in the Federal Capital territory before anyone can be declared president must be strictly followed. 
This is what the constitution of Nigeria said and strongly supported by the newly signed electoral law and this is what will ensure peace in Nigeria.

NIGERIANS will rejoice Like never before and NIGERIA will be more peaceful if justice is served and Tinubu is disqualified and removed by the presidential election petition court.
We make bold to say that instead of anarchy when Tinubu is removed according to the threat his lawyers sent to the court, an unprecedented joy and happiness will envelope the entire nation that no one will have time for anarchy.

2. We also in strongest terms condemn the prevailing sufferings and hardships currently being experienced by the hapless masses of this country resulting from the choking anti-people economic policies imposed on Nigerians by the president.

These highly insensitive and unconscionable policies, taken without proper consultation and engagement with stakeholders and citizens, have exacerbated the problems of the already browbeaten and suffering Nigerian masses.
Adding these burdens on the masses who are just smarting from Buhari’s traumatic eight years is unimaginable and can only come from very uncaring and
conscienceless individuals masquerading as leaders.

The effect of these anti-people policies is punitive and unacceptable to the majority of Nigerians. It is sad that this administration is unmindful of the implications of creating an
increased population of dependent people who will be forced out of jobs and further consigned to multi-dimensional poverty as a result of its policies, which puts a big question mark on its claim of being voted into power by Nigerians due to its continuation of the choking policies of its predecessor, Muhammadu Buhari.

We therefore warn that rather than engage in threatening election tribunal judges, urgent steps should be taken to alleviate the sufferings of the masses before it is too late.

3. POMAG frowns seriously at the rising insecurity in the country following renewed killings, especially in the South-east and middle belt, as well as Taraba in the northeast, leading to the killing of several innocent villagers, displacement of people and the destruction of livestock and crops worth millions of naira.

On the vexatious issue of insecurity in the Southeast the Nigerian public and the international community must be put on notice on what is playing out between TInubu and a Niger-Delta militant named Asari Dokubo in regards to the Southeast unrest.

There has been this rumour that opponents of Peter Obi, presidential candidate of the Labour Party in the 2023 election, sponsored insecurity in the South-East to beat down voter turnout in the zone. Were Asari’s display of the rifle and claim of being involved in “security operations” in the South-East tacit admissions of being a part of the insecurity in the South-East? Nigerians need to find out, since the Directorate of State Security Services, DSS, is not interested. Asari has gone a step further to display his uniformed troops to the public. The scandal is no longer just that Asari has a private army while our armed forces and security agencies play the ostrich. The bigger scandal is that President Tinubu has publicly embraced this fellow and given him the hallowed portal of our presidential palace to display himself.

Why does Tinubu need Asari and his army? His legal team threatened anarchy if the Presidential Election Petition Tribunal, PEPT, sacked him. A few days later, Asari “unveiled” his army, proclaiming readiness to fight for Tinubu. These two are playing with fire. Because all these cannot deter Nigerians in any way from taking back their country.
Dokubo Asari and his goons must be immediately arrested and tried, along with other terrorists, bandits, armed herdsmen and armed separatists if Tinubu’s govt is not just paying lip service to the issue of insecurity bedeviling the Southeast region and indeed the entire country.

4. We also note with serious concern the inability of some judges to deliver justice due to their lack of credibility. Judges entrusted with very wide judicial powers must not forget that those powers come with the responsibility to be fair to all.

We urge the judges to dispense justice in the most efficient and effective manner. 
The Judiciary should rise up to their responsibility of ensuring the speedy, proper, effective, and fair dispensation of justice in the various election cases across the country, with special emphasis on the Presidential Election Petition Tribunal, as all eyes are on the judiciary this time around to see that justice is not only done but must be seen to have been done as that will ensure peace and removal of round pegs in square holes.

Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria, long live the Labour Party, and long live His Excellency, Peter Obi, and Senator  Datti-Baba Ahmed.


Rev Innocent Chukwudi Peace-Udochukwu National Coordinator PETER OBI MANDATE GROUP (POMAG)