April 27, 2024


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What Kills others Cannot Kill You

What Kills Others Cannot Kill You Because You’re Under the Blood Covenant

What Kills Others Cannot Kill You Because You’re Under the Blood Covenant

The Unbreakable Shield: How the Blood Covenant Protects You from Every Threat

At the heart of Christianity lies the concept of the blood covenant, a sacred agreement between God and His people.

This covenant, sealed by the blood of Jesus Christ shed on the cross, holds immense power and promises for believers.

Understanding its significance is crucial for navigating the trials of life with unwavering faith so that what kills others cannot kill you.

In life, we often encounter trials and challenges that seem insurmountable. From sicknesses that threaten our well-being to the evil schemes of the enemy seeking to destroy us, the journey can feel overwhelming. However,

for those who understand the power of the blood covenant and the name of Jesus Christ, there is an unshakable assurance of protection and victory. What kills others cannot kill you!

Understanding the Blood Covenant

The blood covenant is not merely a religious concept but a profound reality that shapes the lives of believers. It signifies a bond of love and protection between God and His children.

In the Bible, we see numerous references to this covenant, highlighting its importance in the lives of believers throughout history.

What Kills others Cannot Kill You

Power of the Blood Covenant

Central to the blood covenant is the assurance of divine protection.

Just as the Israelites were spared from the plague of death in Egypt by the blood of the lamb on their doorposts, believers are shielded from the attacks of sickness and evil by the blood of Jesus Christ.

This divine protection extends beyond physical ailments to encompass all forms of spiritual attacks. What kills others cannot kill you!

In a world teeming with uncertainties, where sickness lurks around every corner and evil schemes threaten to engulf us, there exists a shield so powerful that no force can penetrate its defense.

It’s not forged from steel or constructed from concrete, but rather,

it’s woven from something far more potent—the blood covenant of Jesus Christ which is a protective shield that what kills others cannot kill you.

In the cosmic battle between good and evil, there exists a profound truth that echoes through the ages:

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10, NIV).

These words, spoken by Jesus Himself, pierce through the darkness with a resounding declaration of hope and redemption.

Imagine the relentless onslaught of the enemy, prowling like a ravenous wolf, seeking to devour every shred of joy, every glimmer of hope, every ounce of life within us.

His aim is clear—to steal our peace, to kill our dreams, to destroy our very souls.

In the face of such relentless opposition, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, to succumb to despair, to wonder if there’s any hope left in this broken world.

But then, like a beacon of light in the midst of the storm, comes the voice of Jesus—a voice filled with compassion, with authority, with the promise of abundant life.

“I have come,” He declares, “that they may have life, and have it to the full.” It’s a proclamation that shatters the chains of bondage,

that dispels the shadows of fear, that ignites a flame of hope within the darkest recesses of our hearts.

In the face of the enemy’s relentless assault, Jesus offers us not just survival, but abundance. He invites us to drink deeply from the wellspring of His love,

to taste and see that the Lord is good, to experience a richness of life that transcends our wildest dreams.

It’s a life characterized not by scarcity, but by overflowing abundance—not by fear, but by faith; not by despair, but by hope; not by death, but by life.

Picture this: you’re surrounded by the chaos of life, feeling the weight of the world bearing down on your shoulders. Know this and know peace; what kills others cannot kill you!

Sickness whispers its venomous lies, attempting to ensnare you in its grasp. But then you remember—you’re under a blood covenant.

Suddenly, a surge of power courses through your veins, and fear loses its grip as you stand firm in the knowledge that what kills others cannot kill you.

In the realm of the supernatural, there exists a truth so profound that it defies all logic and reason.

It is the truth of the blood covenant—a sacred pact between God and humanity, sealed by the precious blood of Jesus Christ.

This covenant is more than just a religious concept; it is a tangible reality that believers can tap into to experience divine protection and provision.

Throughout history, the blood covenant has served as a beacon of hope for God’s people, offering them refuge in times of trouble and strength in moments of weakness.

From the Israelites sheltering under the blood of the lamb during the Passover to Christians invoking the name and blood of Jesus Christ, the power of this covenant has remained unyielding and unbreakable.

But what exactly does it mean to be under a blood covenant? It means that as a Christian, you are covered by the sacrificial blood of Jesus Christ, which serves as a barrier between you and the forces of darkness.

It means that no sickness, no disease, and no evil machination of the devil can prevail against you, for you are marked by the blood of the Lamb.

Imagine the scene at the cross—the Son of God, battered and bruised, willingly shedding His blood for the redemption of mankind.

With each drop that fell to the earth, a new covenant was forged, one that would forever alter the course of history.

It was a covenant of love, of grace, and of unending protection for all who would believe.

In the book of Revelation, we are reminded of the power that resides in the blood of Jesus Christ.

It says, “They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony” (Revelation 12:11).

What Kills others Cannot Kill You

This verse serves as a potent reminder that we are not powerless in the face of adversity, but rather, we are conquerors through the blood of Jesus Christ therefore what kills others cannot kill you because you’re under the blood covenant.

As believers, we must never underestimate the significance of the blood covenant in our lives. It is not merely a religious ritual or a symbolic gesture; it is a spiritual weapon of mass destruction against the forces of darkness.

When we declare the name and the blood of Jesus Christ over our lives, we are invoking the full power of God to protect us from harm.

So the next time sickness rears its ugly head or fear threatens to consume you, remember the blood covenant.

Remember that you are covered by the blood of Jesus Christ, and no weapon formed against you shall prosper.

Stand firm in the knowledge that what kills others cannot kill you, for you are a child of the Most High God, protected by the blood covenant for all eternity.

In the face of trials and tribulations, let your heart be filled with faith, knowing that you are not alone.

The blood covenant of Jesus Christ is your unbreakable shield, your fortress in times of need.

So lift your head high, dear believer, and walk in the confidence of knowing that you are covered by the blood—the blood that speaks a better word than any accusation or condemnation.

In the tapestry of scripture, there are verses that resonate with a profound sense of liberation and redemption, echoing through the corridors of time with the promise of freedom

What Kills others Cannot Kill You

: “The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil” (1 John 3:8, NIV).

These words, spoken with divine authority, carry within them the very essence of Jesus’ mission on earth—to dismantle the chains of bondage forged by the enemy and to usher in a kingdom of liberation and restoration.

In the midst of our darkest hour, comes the Savior—Jesus, the embodiment of grace and truth, the champion of the oppressed, the liberator of the captive.

With eyes ablaze with righteous fury and hands outstretched in compassion, He confronts the powers of darkness head-on, declaring with unwavering resolve: I have come to destroy the works of the devil.”

Take a moment to reflect on the depth of God’s love for you—the love that was demonstrated through the shedding of His Son’s blood on the cross.

It is a love that knows no bounds, a love that transcends time and space. And it is this love that surrounds you, protects you, and empowers you to live victoriously in the midst of life’s storms.

So let your heart be filled with gratitude for the blood covenant, for it is the ultimate expression of God’s faithfulness and provision.

And as you continue on your journey of faith, may you never forget the power that resides within you—the power of the blood covenant of Jesus Christ.

The Name of Jesus Christ

In addition to the blood covenant, believers are entrusted with the powerful name of Jesus Christ.

This name is not just a label but carries with it authority and dominion over every sickness and evil force.

Throughout the New Testament, we see Jesus using His name to heal the sick, cast out demons, and overcome every obstacle and that’s what convinces me that what kills others cannot kill you.

What Kills others Cannot Kill You

Overcoming Sickness and Evil Machinations

For those who are under the blood covenant and confess the name of Jesus Christ, there is an unparalleled assurance of victory.

No sickness, no matter how terminal, and no evil machinations of the devil can prevail against the believer who stands firm in faith.

Countless testimonies bear witness to the miraculous healing and deliverance experienced by those who trust in the power of the blood covenant and the name of Jesus.

Living in Victory

Living under the blood covenant and the name of Jesus Christ is not just about survival but about thriving in victory.

It is about walking in faith and confidence, knowing that we are more than conquerors through Him who loves us.

As we abide in His promises and declare His name, we step into a realm of continual protection, provision, and blessings.

Whatever is the challenge always remember to remember this: you are not a victim of circumstances, but a victor through Christ.

No sickness, no disease, and no evil force can stand against the power of the blood covenant. So walk in confidence, knowing that you are covered by the blood of Jesus Christ, now and forevermore.

In Genesis 6:3, we discover a profound declaration from the mouth of God Himself—a promise that echoes through the corridors of time with divine authority and unwavering certainty.

In Genesis 6:3, amidst the backdrop of impending judgment and divine intervention, we hear the solemn words of the Lord:

What Kills others Cannot Kill You

“My Spirit will not contend with humans forever, for they are mortal; their days will be a hundred and twenty years.”

What kills others cannot kill you.” For in setting the limit of one hundred and twenty years, God not only establishes the boundaries of mortal life but also extends His hand of protection and provision over His beloved children.

It’s a declaration of His faithfulness—a reminder that His plans for us are plans for good, not for harm, to give us a future and a hope. You will not die before your time!

In the light of this promise, we find comfort and assurance—a beacon of hope amidst the storms of life. For no matter the trials we may face,

no matter the challenges that confront us, we can take refuge in the knowledge that our days are held in the palm of God’s hand and therefore what kills others cannot kill you.

And though the enemy may seek to steal, kill, and destroy, he cannot prevail against the promises of our faithful and loving God.

So let us walk in the confidence of His promises, knowing that what kills others cannot kill us. Let us cling to the assurance of His presence, His protection, and His provision, as we journey through the fleeting moments of our mortal existence.

And may our hearts overflow with gratitude and praise for the One who has promised us one hundred and twenty years of life—a life marked by His grace, His mercy, and His unfailing love.

In conclusion, dear friend, let us embrace the profound truths we have explored—the power of the blood covenant, the authority in the name of Jesus, and the victory over the works of the devil.

Yet, let us also remember that mere knowledge of these truths is not enough.

It is in the unshakable faith, in the unwavering confession of these truths on a daily basis, that we find our strength, our protection, our victory.

It’s not just about knowing them intellectually, but about embodying them in every aspect of our lives—speaking them with boldness, declaring them with conviction, and living them out with courage.

For it is this unflinching faith, this steadfast confession, that keeps every believer healthy, safe, and sound despite all the enemy’s onslaughts.

It’s a faith that defies the odds, that stands firm in the face of adversity, that declares with unwavering confidence: “Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world” (1 John 4:4, KJV).

So let us, with hearts ablaze with faith and lips overflowing with confession, walk in the fullness of our inheritance as children of the Most High God.

And as we do, may we experience the reality of His promises—health for our bodies, safety for our souls, and soundness for our minds.

In the midst of life’s storms, may we stand firm on the rock of our salvation, knowing that nothing can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

And may our lives be a testament to the power of faith—a faith that moves mountains, that conquers fear, that overcomes the world.

So let us press on, dear friend, in the assurance of our faith, knowing that in Him, we are more than conquerors.

And may the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus, now and forevermore. Amen.