May 6, 2024


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*Why All Eyes Must And Should Be On The Nigerian Judiciary.*
By Rev. Innocent Chukwudi Peace-Udochukwu

There’s no doubt that the judiciary has been complicit in enabling corruption and cronyism within the political class. The recent elections are a prime example of how the judiciary’s decisions can influence the outcome of an election, even if the election itself was fair and transparent or is badly flawed.

This undermines the very foundation of democracy, which is built on the principle of free and fair elections. It’s a sad state of affairs.

A corrupt judiciary undermines the very fabric of democracy. When the courts are beholden to political interests, rather than the rule of law, they erode public trust in the entire legal system. It creates a culture of impunity, where powerful individuals and groups can act with impunity and evade accountability for their actions.
This can lead to a vicious cycle of corruption, injustice and chaos that can be incredibly difficult to break.

– It skews the distribution of power and resources in society, favoring the already powerful and wealthy, while the most vulnerable and marginalized are left further behind.
– It can create a breeding ground for other forms of corruption, such as bribery and money laundering, as the rule of law is no longer respected.
– It can undermine economic development and growth, as businesses and investors are less likely to invest in a country with a compromised legal system.
In short, it’s a recipe for chaos and injustice!

In Nigeria there’s a clear- Lack of accountability: The judiciary often operates with little transparency or oversight, making it difficult to hold judges accountable for their actions.
– Corruption: Bribery and kickbacks are rampant in the judiciary, leading to judges making decisions based on personal gain rather than justice.
– Political bias: Judges are often appointed based on their political connections rather than their qualifications, leading to decisions that favor certain parties over others.
It’s a sad state of affairs, and it needs to change. And for these and many more to change All Eyes Must Be and remain on the Judiciary.

Here’s a warning for the judiciary:
The coups in Africa are a stark reminder that when the will of the people is ignored, and democratic processes are abused, it can lead to violent and undemocratic means of changing the government. The judiciary must do its part to ensure that the electoral system is fair and transparent, and that the people’s votes are respected. If they don’t, they risk losing the public’s trust, and potentially contributing to the erosion of democracy itself. They need to be impartial arbiters, not political pawns.

The judiciary’s responsibility is not just to the people who hold power, but also to the people who are being governed. Their decisions should be based on the rule of law, and they should not be swayed by political or personal interests. In a sense, they’re the guardians of democracy, and if they fail in their duty, they risk the erosion of the very system they’re meant to protect. It’s a heavy burden, but it’s also an honor. They need to live up to it.

The integrity of the judiciary is the bedrock of democracy. It’s a powerful weapon against corruption, and a safeguard against the abuse of power. But like any weapon, it needs to be wielded with care and precision. The judiciary must remain independent, impartial, and committed to upholding the law, even in the face of political pressure or public outcry. In short, the judiciary must be a beacon of justice and fairness, a symbol of democracy’s strength and resilience.

Nigerians must stay vigilant! The judiciary’s decision on the February 25 2023 presidential election is crucial to maintaining the integrity of Nigeria’s democracy.

Nigerians must stay at alert and engaged by:
– Following news and updates on the activities of the Judiciary closely, through reputable media sources
– Speaking out and engaging with others on social media and in public forums, to raise awareness and demand transparency
– Supporting organizations and activists that are advocating for a fair and transparent electoral process
And most importantly, Nigerians must be ready to demand accountability and stand up for their rights!

– Sign petitions and join campaigns demanding a free and fair election process
– Attend protests and rallies in support of a transparent and accountable election
– Write to your representatives and the electoral commission, demanding accountability and transparency
– Encourage your friends and family to get involved and make their voices heard. Every voice counts!
Remember, apathy is the enemy of democracy – it’s only when people come together and demand change that real progress can be made.

– Share information and resources about the election and the issues at stake, to educate and mobilize others
– Boycott businesses that support or benefit from the current electoral system
– Support candidates who are committed to electoral reform and accountability
– Use social media to spread awareness and organize actions, and to call out corruption and election interference when you see it.

“The eyes of the Nigerian masses and indeed that of the world are on the Nigerian judiciary. The future of democracy rests on its shoulders. In the face of injustice, corruption, and abuse, it must remain steadfast, unwavering, and true. The Nigerian masses demand nothing less. The world demands nothing less. Let the judiciary be a shining example of justice, fairness, and truth. Let it stand as a beacon of hope for all those who seek a better Nigeria in particular and the world in general.”

Rev. Innocent Chukwudi Peace-Udochukwu
Writes from Abuja.