July 17, 2024


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I watched many innocent Biafrans gruesomely murdered in IRT cell in Abuja -Freed Biafran Agitator

Barrister Ifeanyi Ejiofor the indefatigable Nnamdi Kanu/Ipob lawyer has yet recorded another another court victory as he secured the freedom of yet another Biafran Agitator who has languished in defunct and suspended DCP Abba Kyari’s Intelligence Response Team in Abuja for TWO YEARS.

In a statement made available to RPTVBLOG by the fiery Ipob lawyer stated below:

We remain dedicated to our avowed undertaking towards ensuring that every “Ezigbo UmuChineke” who are illegally detained in the various Correctional Centres across the states and custodies of the Nigerian Security Agencies respectively, secure their freedom through legal processes.

In line with our avowed profound commitment, only yesterday, being the 17th day of July, 2023, MR. DARLINGTON UNAMBA, who has been incarcerated over the past TWO YEARS, was upon our application, discharged of the frivolous terrorism charge filed against him at the Federal High Court, Abuja in Charge No: FHC/ABJ/CR/476/2021.

Upon the charge being struck out on our application, His Lordship, consequently, discharged MR. DARLINGTON UNAMBA and told him to go home. He has gone home a free man!!!

Darlington’s gory experience in the hands of members of the defunct Intelligence Response Team (IRT), hitherto under the direct supervision and headship of disgraced/suspended DCP Abba Kyari was indeed horrific. Because right in his presence, the soulless officers of the defunct IRT team randomly brought out innocent Biafrans from their cell, who were all abducted from the South East states, and gruesomely but extrajudicially murdered them at their slaughter house in Abbatoir Garki, Abuja. Luckily for Darlington, an intervention by a senior officer who was sent by God, saved his life before the trigger could be pulled, otherwise, his story would have ended like the others.
Ife na-eme!!!!!!

I immensely appreciate the dexterity and hardwork of Habila Turshak, Esq. and my other colleagues in Chambers, who worked tirelessly to secure this unconditional victory.

As we tenaciously await the imminent unconditional release of Onyendu Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, we wish to reiterate our unalloyed obligation towards securing justice for the oppressed and downtrodden, and there is no retreat until all Ezigbo UmuChineke still unlawfully languishing in various detention facilities, are freed.

Thank you all, Ezigbo UmuChineke and remain blessed.

As always, WE MOVE!!!

Sir Ifeanyi Ejiofor, Esq. (KSC)
IPOB Lead Counsel
18th July, 2023.